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Listen to Copycat "Singing That A-ha Melody" Mash Up


Mash up artist Copycat was on a Scandinavian kick this weekend and mashed up Norwegian pop classic "Take On Me" by A-ha and "Swinging That Melody" by Swedish artist Swingfly.  He is a rapper originally from New York who has been living in and out of Sweden. Swingfly is a member of the band Blacknuss Allstars and he’s also touring as a guest artist with Robyn, Kleerup and Teddybears STHLM. A-ha and Swingfly makes up an unusual combination, but like with most mash ups, an odd coupling usually gives the best results. Download and listen to "Singing That A-ha Melody" here. It's very, very good.

Listen to Copycat "Singing That A-ha Melody"

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